Northern Heart & Soul CIC

Northern Heart and Soul exists to take forward a ten year bold vision to become a self organising and self renovating neighbourhood


Address: Greater Manchester, UK

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About our work

Northern Heart and Soul exists to take forward a ten year bold vision to become a self organising and self renovating neighbourhood The plan covers the first two years of the ten year plan and the two strands of the work:

• Hyper local community building – rekindling the function of the neighbourhood in which we live

• Wider participatory & deliberative democracy and co-production across the borough

A neighbourhood plan created by the whole community and an association of associations Costed community alternatives to traditional services  – including an exploration of UpTogether A local democratic vehicle that is able to own land and access loan Influenced change in domestic abuse services locally and the way we look out for each other in community Started a poverty truth commission / and or work to end violence against women and girls  A five year business and funding plan Created the baseline measures for more longer term evaluation.

The change we want to see

A neighbourhood plan created by the whole community and an association of associations Costed community alternatives to traditional services  – including an exploration of UpTogether A local democratic vehicle that is able to own land and access loan Influenced change in domestic abuse services locally and the way we look out for each other in community Started a poverty truth commission / and or work to end violence against women and girls  A five year business and funding plan Created the baseline measures for more longer term evaluation.

Our main line of work Lankelly Chase is supporting

Widen circles and deeply listen at an hyper local level.  Create an association of associations, stimulate and support the development of new associations and create a neighbourhood plan / democratic vehicle that clearly identifies what we can

1. Do together

2. Do with help

3. Want others to do for us.

We also work with a range of supporters to explore community alternatives / community models / community businesses aligned to Doughnut Economic (Kate Haworth) and the Function of Neighbourhoods (McKnight and Russell) that will rekindle the function of neighbourhood, shift power and disrupt and reset power relationships whilst enabling the neighbourhood to shift from consumers to producers of health and wealth.