Peasholme Charity
We work with disadvantaged and socially excluded people, in particular those that are homeless or at risk of losing their homes.
We work with disadvantaged and socially excluded people, in particular those that are homeless or at risk of losing their homes.
Peasholme Charity works with disadvantaged and socially excluded people, in particular those who are homeless or at risk of losing their home. We address social exclusion and poverty by providing support services for people in or heading towards crisis – the charity defines ‘crisis’ as lacking security, shelter or an ability to sustain oneself. The charity has organised its’ activities into two themes; an advice stream that provides early interventions for people in need and a housing outreach services that provides effective one-to-one support for people experiencing or at risk of homlessness.
The charity has a mission to end homelessness in York, and a vision that everyone has access to the right help at the right time so that ‘crisis’ can be prevented. Our projects have been organised so they can meet people at the point of need; resolving immediate crisis while offering access to longer term support to prevent any further threats to their security. We work with people so they are empowered, realise their aspirations and achieve their full potential. The charity works with people and partners to break down obstacles to effective engagement for people facing multiple disadvantage and exclusion. We advocate for people with agencies and statutory authorities; fighting to ensuring that people can access the right support at the right time. We want to see a fair and equal world where everyone has a safe and secure home that allows them and their families to flourish and contribute.
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