Public Interest News Foundation

The Public Interest News Foundation (PINF) is the first charity in the UK with a mandate to promote public interest news.


Address: 16-18 New Bridge St, London EC4V 6AG, UK

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About our organisation/network 

PINF is a charity established in 2019 to support the delivery and public understanding of public interest news. 

Our main line of work 

We run capacity-building programmes for independent publishers of public interest news, so that they can have a sustainable impact on the communities they serve. We also conduct research into levels of public interest news provision and its benefit to society. And we make the case for public interest news to the public and policymakers. As a grantee of the LankellyChase News & Media Fund, we piloted a Transformation Programme designed to put people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage at the heart of newsrooms. 

The change we want to see 

We want to see a vibrant and diverse public interest news sector, with high-quality journalism that speaks to, for and with every community in the UK. 
