Public Law Project

We are a legal charity set up to ensure marginalised people can hold the state to account.


Address: The Design Works, 93-99 Goswell Rd, London EC1V 7EY, UK

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About our organisation/network
We litigate on behalf of individuals and NGOs who want to challenge unfair decision making. We carry out research and organise events, conferences and legal training. We advocate for an evidence-based approach to law reform. We believe in a world where everyone is equal before the law and we work to improve access to justice.

The change we want to see
Our vision is a world in which individual rights are respected and public bodies act fairly and lawfully. Our mission is to improve public decision making and facilitate access to justice.

Our priorities are to:

  • Promote and preserve the Rule of Law
  • Ensure fair systems
  • Improve access to justice