Rural Media
Rural Media is led by founder/CEO Nic Millington and has been working for 30 years with individuals of all ages and communities experiencing social, geographic and material deprivation, with multiple and/or complex needs
Rural Media is led by founder/CEO Nic Millington and has been working for 30 years with individuals of all ages and communities experiencing social, geographic and material deprivation, with multiple and/or complex needs
Rural Media is two companies: Rural Media Charity, and Rural Media Productions. Our approach is person and community centred, believing that everyone has an important story to tell and the right to be heard. Rural Media Charity offers isolated and disadvantaged communities participatory training, production & publishing opportunities, support, work experience, information and advice. Rural Media Productions produces broadcast standard film, TV, radio and interactive content for a wide variety of channels and audiences.
After 20 years of publishing Travellers Times Rural Media is setting out to establish a video-driven, fully community owned and operated Travellers’ Times (TT) by 2025 called TT Vision. We are seeking partnerships with mainstream media outlets to gather learning and contacts then develop paid training placements for Gypsies and Travellers, and to accredit that training with HE/FE partners. Working with LCF and the News & Media Fund beneficiaries for 12 months will allow us to address TT’s remit of challenging negative media stereotypes, tackle exclusion to improve quality of life, and map the current media landscape’s engagement with and framing of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups through action research that directly explores a restructuring of the media through diverse participation.
Travellers’ Times is Rural Media’s national Gypsy, Roma & Traveller-led project founded 20 years ago that enables – especially for younger community members – development and use of communication/media skills to challenge discrimination, celebrate history, culture and achievements, and play an active part in all aspects of contemporary society. TT provides unique and valuable tools and resources for working directly or indirectly with Gypsies, Roma & Travellers, providing greater awareness and understanding, alongside a unique line of communication that is highly respected and trusted by Gypsies and Travellers throughout the UK online, in print and across social media platforms. The high-quality platform enables Gypsies, Roma & Travellers to be heard, TT also delivers information, advice and guidance, media skills, news-writing courses and events to train and supports Gypsies, Roma & Travellers to tell their stories, educate people and advocate for their communities.
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