Barrow Cadbury Trust

We are an independent charitable foundation committed to bringing about socially just change


Address: Barrow Cadbury Trust Kean House, 6 Kean Street London, WC2B 4AS

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About our organisation

Barrow Cadbury Trust is an independent, charitable foundation committed to bringing about a more just and equal society. Building on our Quaker heritage we seek long-term solutions by looking at root causes of inequality. The problems we address are complex so we frequently work in partnership with others; grant-holders, other trusts and foundations, local and national government, to identify solutions. We focus on a small number of distinct policy areas and seek to influence them by building an evidence base, advocating for change and ensuring the voices of people affected by social injustices are heard in the debate. Much of our work is directed towards change at the national level: where we work locally this is almost always in Birmingham and the surrounding area.

The change we want to see

The Trust’s vision is of a just and peaceful society which recognises the equal value of all people.