The change we want to see

We are striving for a world healed by justice, equity and inclusion by challenging existing systems and creating the conditions for much healthier systems to emerge.

We work with others to shift patterns of perspectives, power, and participation.

This work seeks to honour and build upon the work and wisdom of others past and present.

What we do

We connect, support or fund organisations and networks that are seeking to disrupt patterns or help new patterns that contribute to a world healed by justice, equity and inclusion.

We feel that ‘just outcomes’ are more likely to result from ‘just processes’ such as systems thinking, co-creation, conflict resolution and community empowerment.

We will support work that unites all those who can contribute to change from people with direct experience, policymakers, journalists and activists.

We are pushing ourselves to model the change we want to see because we are all part of the systems we want to change.

We support action that reveals, questions, dismantles, heals, reimagines and transforms systems.

How we work

Spaces for change

We resource spaces where people can gather to ask difficult questions, reveal the issues, and work through uncertainty and conflict to do things differently. 

All levels

We work at an individual, institutional and societal level.

Changing how business as usual is done

We attach particular importance to how decisions are made, by whom, in whose interests, with whose evidence and with what values and assumptions.

How and who

We prioritise how change happens and who leads or participates over what change is sought. 

Always learning

There is no route map for bringing about a fundamental change in systems so we learn by doing, recognising we will make many mistakes along the way.

Lived experience

We ensure lived experience is properly resourced so that the insights of those contending with oppressive systems and their visions for their own lives are anchoring this work.

Open minds

We also seek to engage and resource those whom writer Donella Meadows called the ‘vast middle ground of open-minded people, as they are a necessary part of our interconnected future.

Changing within

We seek continually to reveal, critique, disrupt, reimagine and renew the power and privilege that comes with being an endowed foundation.