A space for people to explore and change, to challenge dominant ways of thinking that may be perpetuating systems of oppression, and to showcase alternative ways of doing things
What’s happening?
The work in Oxford is now known as Marmalade.
It is a collaboration between different individuals and organisations in Oxford. The Marmalade core group leads on different activities that aim to shift and share power across the city, and help build more human-centred services for everyone. This is done with a focus on building care and community, so that we can build a more just and inclusive Oxford.
The core group has evolved over recent years based on relationships forged through a commitment to exploring and experimenting with new ways of working. It currently includes representatives of the following organisations: Old Fire Station, Oxford Hub, Oxford City Council, African Families in the UK, Active Oxfordshire and Lankelly Chase.
The work is structured around three different inquiries – sharing power, services for humans and meaningful measurement.
Lankelly works closely with Sara Fernandez who supports and coordinates the work locally (with others!) – sara@oxfordhub.org
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