Systems convening: leadership for the 21st century

Do we already have the tools and techniques to respond to 21st-century challenges, and if yes, where does this expertise exist? Enter Systems convening.

1st September 2021, words by Private: Jenny Oppenheimer, Shaheen Warren

Take a read of this blog by Shaheen Warren and Jenny Oppenheimer on where this work has come from and what is next for the role of a Systems Convener.

This work is a collaboration between the Centre for Public Impact and Lankelly Chase partnering with the RSA and social learning pioneers Beverly and Etienne Wenger-Trayner to develop a book about systems convening. The research captures interviews with 40 systems conveners from around the world, featuring portraits of these individuals to illustrate the work of systems convening in practice. Download the book here: Systems Convening: A crucial form of leadership for the 21st century

And if you want to join or continue the conversation around systems convening then please register for the launch webinar on 2 September, where you’ll be able to hear from the authors and systems conveners. 


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More from Private: Jenny Oppenheimer